Nelle Kova's Biography

The Family Honorfall & Kova

The Kova family is quite a long line of decendants of humans, born into the lap of luxury they train knights, and diplomats for the realm. Recently they married into another prestigious but lower noble family that was on the up and up. The Honorfall family, a family of Dwarves who built themselves up to be land owners from humble merchant ship. A strange couple indeed, many across the families worried if it would work out, but only time would tell.

Fastfoward, and the families tied the knot with Nelle’s mother, (Katavia Kova) A 6 ft human female with dark red hair, and deep emerald eyes. She married Alec Honorfall, a short stout brown beared dwarf. Together they had 4 sons, and 4 daughters. Nelle was in the middle of the pack being the 4th born child. With two sons, and a daughter born before her their parents knew what a birth looked like. However, her birth was extremely hard on her mother, she was quite a large baby. Though something was off when she finally was birthed… she was a very vaguely sickly green. At first both of them worried for her health, but she seemed fine. In fact she seemed better than fine, she grew quite fast compared to her siblings. Being born of both a dwarf and a human, the aging process of a child would naturally take longer than normal. But seemingly, she was growing faster than even a human. Her father became increasingly concerned, and a bit anxious of his new daughter, and confronted her mother one day, about if she had cheated on him. The truth was, yes, she did… She wasn’t proud of it, and only did it once, but it was enough to bear a child. She had hoped the child would be more human looking, which it was, but she was a vague green tone only belonging to those of ork ancestry. Alec was furious, extremely angry at this fact. He cursed her for this, and stormed off in anger.

The Shunning of Orcs

Alec hated orks, he utterly despised them, their unabashed directness, and cruelty to all of humankind. Their, disgusting green skin, their smelly breath, and the destruction of Dwarven lands. He questioned Katavia over and over about what happened, but she wouldn’t say. He pestered her day after day. Pleading her to give up the babe, and to let the child go. But, Katavia wouldn’t allow it, faithful to her children she would raise her just like the others. Alec was embroidled with rage, and almost ended the relationship, souring the ties between the families. But, he held his tongue for he knew how important this was to the two families. He held the anger inside him, letting it stew and boil. A small flame lit within the older siblings, particularly Drale, who hated her for getting his mother’s attention, and her fathers incessant ramblings behind closed doors about the half-orkish child.

When Nelle was young he would barely pay attention to her, and would ignore her most of the time, relinquishing all duties of taking care of her to her mother, Katavia. Nelle grew quite close to her mother, seeing her as her primary caretaker and the one who loved her. Her father tended to disapprove of her and would make all attempts to hide her presence. She would constantly be relocated o the stables whenever family came over. Her mother would often visit her as she tended to hang out outside of the estate near the stables and near the cusps of the forests. She was rather obstensively curious in her younger years and would venture off into the forest. Her mother would find her there on occasion where she’d simply stay and talk with her, passing time as they talked about things that happened and how things worked. She gained an affinity for heroic adventures and knightly dangers as she heard the tales of valiant knights.

When Nelle was young he would barely pay attention to her, and would ignore her most of the time, relinquishing all duties of taking care of her to her mother, Katavia. Nelle grew quite close to her mother, seeing her as her primary caretaker and the one who loved her. Her father tended to disapprove of her and would make all attempts to hide her presence. She would constantly be relocated o the stables whenever family came over. Her mother would often visit her as she tended to hang out outside of the estate near the stables and near the cusps of the forests. She was rather obstensively curious in her younger years and would venture off into the forest. Her mother would find her there on occasion where she’d simply stay and talk with her, passing time as they talked about things that happened and how things worked. She gained an affinity for heroic adventures and knightly dangers as she heard the tales of valiant knights.

Her Family Bonds

Katavia would take care of her. Being the only one around her height and taller most of her young life, she looked up to her. She saw something in her mother she wanted to be, though she didn’t know yet. She formed a loving bond with Katavia much easier than her father. Her mother never told her what happened to cause her birth, but she never pressed her, as she didn’t seek out the knowledge of her birth. She simply knew that her mother cared for her greatly, and that’s all that mattered to her. Her mother often would bring her sandwiches while teaching her humanity. Katavia was one of the few people who was nice to her in her younger years. She got along with some of the butlers and played with them. But it was nothing like with her mother.

As time went on though, her father slowly began to soften to her. As she grew up he still favored his half-dwarven kids and shunned Nelle but at least noted her existence. He would continue to bury the secret of his false daughter and keep her hidden. He wasn’t necessarily mad at her, but what she represented and her orcish tendencies. Strategically the tenuous nature of the two families couldn’t be broken at such a crucial time, so revealing her wouldn’t work. A scandal of bastardry would break the two families apart, and the profits of the combining were too great, even for being forked to live with an ork. So, he hid her, hid her for her entire childhood on the estate. She’d live there was born and would never be allowed to leave. Rumors appeared time and time again of a hidden child, but all the children of House Honorfall were instructed never to mention her soiled name. Though of course, rumors would always spread at the slip of a word, and a name of the child the family had never seen would appear every so often.

Nelle's Oddities & Loves

Time passed, however, and she grew up. Her height began far surpassing her other siblings, and her demeanor was becoming ever aggressive. She was taught curtsy and manners to combat her orkish nature but she never really took to them. She would do them, but they came off faux pas and her mother would always encourage her to attempt to learn. Rather, she would spend her time with her brothers dueling them and fighting. She’d spend time training with the bow on various training dummies against the various butlers of the estate, winning a few contests, but never becoming a master of the bow. She heavily favored an axe and shield a trait taken from her dwarven brothers. When she would spar she could easily brute force them and win, but they quite quickly learned to be more defensive and evasive.

The 5th child of the family, her personal favorite Toblerone Honorfall was her best friend growing up. He was a small dwarven child, with red haired and quite a long beard from birth. She’d hang out with him and he’d show her magic that he was learning, showing her cool tricks he had learnt from magic class. The family had a private set of teachers who taught their children in a school built on the estate. There was an incident at one point where an old teacher of the estate had gotten drunk and mentioned her in a local tavern, which spread the rumors of an 8th child. This lead to quite a lot of questioning from the rest of the family and even the locals, but they successfully dissuaded these incursions by hiding Nelle outside in one of the barns with a butler whenever anyone would come over to investigate. This only led to a more secretive attitude around Nelle from her father. Forking her to stay ever more hidden. Nelle never truly understood why she wasn’t allowed to see others, she knew it was because she was partly ork as her mother had explained to her. But, to her she was just another person. She wouldn’t accept it however and would slowly train and out-duel her brothers to prove her worth to her father, that she could be just as good as any dwarf.

When she was around 14 she was nearly 7ft tall, dwarfing everyone in her family. She was becoming extremely rambunctious and slightly rebellious. She snuck off the estate cloaked in a shroud waltzing around the local town, this of course didn’t work very well, and was poorly thought out as by this time. A seven foot figure even cloaked would be suspicious, for being massively tall. People would act confused and sometimes get panicked by her presence as she was incredibly awkward around people. People quietly whispered around her wondering who she was, and where she had come from. She swiftly learned from her father that she shouldn’t go outside like this and stayed on the estate and that if she continued she’d be locked in her room.

Drale Honorfall

Drale always posed a strong challenge to her, her fathers chosen child, clearly the favorite of the family. He was taught to lead, and would clearly be the heir to the families wealth from this. Drale would wield a warhammer and spar with her, often he would beat her, which would anger her gravely, but instead of continuing to fight, he would leave after beating her once, so she couldn’t challenge him again. It was tough to fight him, and even harder to learn. Drale got all of the professional training from local knights, and from the rest of the family, so he truly was learning to be a knight. She could easily fight anyone else by now, with measureable wins, though of course she would lose rarely. She loved sparring with toblerone, and even would let him win occasionally. He got to practice his fire magics on her, and she got to see the efforts of his training. She was always proud of her little brother, and would celebrate him when he did well.

Her father was never overtly mean to her, but always harbored this sort of disgust when around her, a sort of disdain for who she was. She couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was. But, she was pretty sure it was because she was a half-ork. Her siblings didn’t care as much, except for her older siblings. They generally also had a mild disdain for her, but her younger siblings tended to like her and find her strange. She eventually ended up getting along with her younger siblings a lot more. She would play with them and hang out with them. But, would end up sparring with the older ones, and get into quite a lot of fights with them. She finally became an even match for Drale, beaing him over half the time they did matches.

Over time she’d build little shelters for herself in the woods where she’d hunt and stay there overnight. She was becoming deeply frustrated with her father and some of her siblings and needed places to hide. Toblerone would visit her sometimes spending time there and helping her gather things for her huts One day he offered her a draught that would temporarily disguise her as a human, it could reduce her height to just 6 feet. She was elated and thanked her brother picking him up in joy and hugging him deeply. He accepted the hug but uttered his annoyance, to which she swiftly put him down. “How long will this last?” Nelle asked, Toblerone told her a day at most, to which she seemed happy enough. She drank the potion shortening a foot down, and her skin paling to a normal tone, and her teeth shrinking.

To Change Who She Was?

She looked like her mother.. Almost. Her mother was indeed quite tall towering over most humans at 6 feet. She roughly looked like her mother just fairly younger. She looked down at Toblerone and asked “How do I look?”, to which Toblerone answered “You look great!”. She smiled, and looked into a nearby water barrel to see her face, to which her eyes beamed. She ran off with full forke to the local town, through the woods the happiest she’s ever been. She arrived, still quite tall, but now reasonably tall and with the appearance of a human. People seemed to not notice her too much except for a few people which occasionally whispered around her. Eventually a man approached her, asking about what she was doing without a guard detail, and what she was doing in this market. Nelle was confused that he was talking to her, but Toblerone came to her rescue. Telling the man that Katavia was simply on a short errand. The man smiled, gave her a local greeting, and left. Toblerone quickly told her she looked a lot like her mother, so it wasn’t too surprising people mistook her for Katavia. She understood, and walked around the town with Toblerone exploring it up and down. She ended up buying some stuff with Toblerone’s money who offered her some, as a welcoming gift. Eventually the day drew to an end and they headed home. Toblerone reported the success to her father, who seemed quite pleased at this turn of events. He asked that Toblerone give her potions every so often so that she could go out, to which he was proud to do.

Her father slowly opened up to her while she was in her human form. She would visit him whenever he was, and listen to tales of his journeys and trade. She loved her father, but he was always distant still, but much less than he was before. He almost treated her as her daughter, but there was still pangs of disgust that washed over him whenever he remembered her true form. But to Nelle, she was happy, she finally saw some approval from her father shining through. He still disliked that she focused on combat and wanted her to focus on diplomatic adventures, but at least she looked like she belonged in the family.

Nelle savored the potions and would use them to go out and visit the rest of her family, and visit the town, and they allowed her to live a normal disguised life. She’d go to the local markets helping out anyone who needed it, ranging from small tasks involving herding sheep for locals, to even roughing up a few trouble makers. She became somewhat of a local helper. She was always chastised for doing this by her father, who wanted her to not act so boyish, but her mother always encouraged her to do whatever she wanted. She’d spend her free time helping out the elderly, the sick, and even talking to people who just needed to be talked to. She loved listening to other people’s stories, she found human stories wonderful. She was terrible at writing such things, and tried many a time but never came off with much inspiration. She made quite a lot of friends with other Kovans in her line, the more knightly half of her family.

She worked with one of the butlers developing her cooking skills. She also learned a lot hanging around her mother. Specifically, in how to use proper seasonings, and how to properly cook meats, and various stews. One of her favorite foods to make was a glazed ham, glazed in the local berries that greew in the forest. She would typically hunt various game, ranging from hogs, rabbits, and birds. She would cook them using the techniques she learned from one of the cooks at her estate. One of the few feats her father approved of her learning, was that of cooking. She wouldn’t cook food for the family, but she would cook it for herself, Toblerone, and a couple of her sisters. Her father distrusted her cooking, and wouldn’t eat it, but everyone else in the family quite enjoyed her cooking. Most of her dishes featured a lot of meat as she enjoyed it far more than vegetables and grains. But, that didn’t mean she didn’t know how to cook these things, just whenever she could, she’d cook mainly with meat.

She eventually began to worship the god Tyr, for she greatly valued the justice of the world. She would make a point of always working to bring justice to any wrongdoers, and making sure she did good whenever she could. She would offer offerings to Tyr, to garner his support, and would devout her time trying to model her life after him. Most of her family followed Tyr so it was a natural fit for her and garnered some approval from her father in doing so. She would offer him trinkets of gold, and pieces of armor and weapons in his name. She built a small shrine in one of her hideouts that she prayed to whenever she visited. Her shelters became her main home for a time, as she felt less closed in when she was outside. She enjoyed nature, and living amongst it, and quite disliked being in buildings. She could tolerate it but it would always leave her a bit haughty whenever she was inside.

Nelle Finds Herself

Time passed and she grew taller, no longer being the same height as her mother. Even with the potions she was over 7ft tall. But at this point she was simply known by the locals as the 8th child of the Honorfall family, distinguishing herself as the ‘Tall Child’. She would run around the town, helping people out whenever she could, trying to brighten up their day. She’d fight local monsters and wilder-beasts while in the militia. But would continue to be told off by her father that she needed to be more lady-like. She disagreed and would attempt to participate in local tournaments, and managed to get into one, which was just a simple tournament battle between some beasts and chain mailed men. She felt good, as if nothing could go better. She gained her chainmail from these pit fights, and would be showered in wealth by the commoners who were in awe of her fighting prowess. Over and over she’d fight against new and different opponents, garnering fame amongst the local populace, nothing of heroic note, but ,enough to be noticed.

Her father had something to say about this. He was annoyed with her. If she was going to neglect her diplomatic duties then she should at least charter time with the HonorFall caravans. She would be tasked with aiding in their defense. She agreed slightly begrudgingly and began working caravan duty where she would protect them. It was a lowly job, and she knew it. That was honestly the only reason she disliked the job. She actually quite enjoyed travelling. She just disliked her father’s dismissive nature of what she wanted. Whenever she went on these missions she’d stock up on a couple potions to take with her, her father had no issue procuring them from the court wizard as the family lived in the lap of luxury.

She would spend this caravaning time practicing her curtsy and her demeanor as a human, learning to become more emotionally human and to better fit in. She would strive to be what her father wanted and to seek his approval. Because, maybe then she truly could do what she wanted. She would work on her conversational skills with the other guards and practice smalltalk. She would occasionally help out merchants in making trade deals, as she was decently charismatic in her human form. She practiced the art of the trade and could haggle quite well as a human. Whenever they took breaks in cities, she’d fight in tournaments to win prizes and gold. She would usually win but not always. Whenever she lost she would always try to learn how from her opponent, learning more techniques, and pestering the winners on their tactics. She did many a caravan mission, which gave her ample tournament fighting time and brawling with any man that would dare challenge her. She became pretty good with knowing random bits of trivia revolving around the places she traveled to. She would garner this knowledge in pursuit of learning about caravanning. Maybe one day she could run the HonorFall caravans, with her knowledge of people, she could potentially make trade deals.

Trying To Fit In

On and off throughout her journeys men would go easy on her in combat. This would infuriate her and only make her fight them harder. She never wanted to be gone easy on and found it often rare to find a fair opponent to contest. Whether these be men were hitting on her, or not, she was rather daft when it came to human love ritual. To her, the best way to show love was to fight. She never got the affection part of it, or really could ever understand it. She thought the tropes that occurred were silly pleasantries and found them distasteful. She tried once to be romantic, but it came off wrong, and instead she ended up spooking off her ‘date’. Past that she never really tried again, besides occasionally sparring with some men. But, they seemingly weren’t interested in her. She figured this was because of her orkish tendencies. So, she’d focus more on trying to better understand how humans work. She would focus on trying to display affection to others. Her love though would always come out better in combat. She found this a great way to learn about an opponent and bond with them. She knew this wasn’t how humans did it, and never found a right time to hit it off with someone during these contests. But, she would always try.

Of the men who did try to court her, she would always be too dumb-founded about how to continue a relationship. Or, she would never stay in one place long enough to actually hit it off with someone. Her travels would take her to many a place, but she did make plenty of male friends at least she thought of them as friends. She could swoon some men into helping to protect the caravans as they traveled around and she garnered many helpers on her adventures. Most of the caravan guards of the HonorFall caravans knew her name, as she was quite hard to not notice. She gained a lot of friends on her journeys, and the guards respected her for her combat prowess. She would work under a famous HonorFall guard, Erin. Where she better learned the techniques of wielding an axe and shield.

he took an affinity for beautiful clothing during her caravaning life. She saw a lot of exotic clothes, and styles that she would always buy and cling to. Whenever she could buy a new outfit from a new location, she would. It helped make her feel more human to have lots of clothing, and it gave her a nice comfort to try different outfits on. She particularly loved deep red outfits, laced with gold or brass, these were her favorite. She didn’t particularly like to be lady-like, but she did love dresses. She would dawn many an outfit while in her human form, wearing beautiful red silken clothes, sometimes shedding shades of purple whenever she was with her brother, who loved the deep hue of amethyst. She gained this affinity from her mother who would wear the most elegant dresses she had ever seen, always outshining the other family members. She constantly had to get them custom tailored because of her large size. This never dissuaded her as her caravan work netted her a fair amount in commission, so she had plenty of money. She never really needed to spend it on much, as her father would pay for her food, and of course her home.

Aiding Her Brother

From time to time she would help toblerone learn spells, and would encourage his studies in magic. Encouraging him to use his fire spells, and to master them. She would work with her brother, acting as a target for him to cast on. He would slowly learn to control his flames and be able to bend them around others. He could never figure out how to cast a fireball, all he could do were small cones, and bolts of fire. He tried hard, and Nelle would encourage him, telling him it would just take time. He knew, but he wasn’t pleased that he couldn’t do it. Nelle continued to help her brother learn magical tricks, coming up with spells he never thought of. Her help with his aim made him much better at casting.

The Night To Remember

Eventually a time would come when her father was going to host a celebration of profits with the whole family. While one of his esteemed sons would offer up a speech about how business is booming, and introduce a new protection system for the caravans. She was told to dress up in her elegant red dress clad with golden embroidery. This was her signature dress that was extremely luxurious. She had had this dress for ages, and used it whenever she was on caravan duty. She usually adorned it during diplomatic caravan missions, as it usually awed various merchants. But, this time she had to wear it with nothing beneath and the golden threads woven into it were cold on her skin, and she found the fleece itchy. Off she went to the event where all of her extended family was poised to come. They joined together in the large ball room on the estate. There was foods scattered everywhere and the place packed with family members. Guards sat at the doors and the plaza was quite large. After a while the speech began, and droned on.

Nelle realized she needed to take a potion to last through the speech. She went ahead and drank one but noted that it tasted strange compared to the others. Instead of a chalky taste, it was bitter, immediately she knew something was wrong. She felt sick, and strange. She felt herself lurch taller suddenly and hear someone shriek to her left. “ORCS, ORCS, THERES AN ORC IN THE CHAMBER, GUARRRDS, RUN EVERYONE, RUN.” She looked at her arms, and noticed they were a seaweed green. She looked up and met the gaze of her father who was mortified, and even saw her mother who was close to fainting. Guards began to swarm her, quickly approaching her. But she bolted, dashing through a glass window breaking it into pieces. She knew something had went wrong, very wrong with whatever she had just drank. She heard the guards shouting after her, “RUN YOU BLOODY ORC, GET OUT OF HERE N’ , STAY THE HELL IN THE HILLS WHERE YE BELONG”. She ran as fast as she could, off into the estates woods into one of her hideouts.

Who is in the Mirror?

She finally looked at herself in a crudely made mirror that she got from one of her brothers. She saw that she did not look human, not even remotely. Her skin was even darker than seaweed at this point, and her various teeth were shank like. She knew what had happened, somehow the potion made her look more like an ork than she ever had. She began to sob deeply, humiliated and dishonored by whatever prank had befallen her. She didn’t know who did this, or why, but she knew she had to stay in her shelter. She could hear the guards run past her shelter as they were searching for her. But they quickly got lost deep in the woods.

After a while Toblerone appeared, wondering what had happened. He noticed she was pulsing with a slight bit of magic as if someone had made an inverse spell to enhance them, instead of to hide them. “Who would have done this?” Nelle almost grunted, to which Toblerone guessed it was Drale, their 1st brother. “He has motive, in his hatred towards orks, and wanted his brother not to succeed, so ruining the ceremony would work. With his cunning attitude why just hit one bird when you can hit two.” Nelle was deeply disturbed, and worried about what would happen to her. She knew that her father deeply hated orks, and that rumors would spread that she was an ork like a flame in a barrel of oil.

The effects slowly began to wear off, she noticed she slowly became her normal self. She distrusted the remaining potions that she had. She had become paranoid that they might be tainted, and stored them in her shelter in a small cupboard she had crafted with one of her brothers. She was horrified of what she had become, everything evil about her having come out, and feared nobody would trust her anymore. She picked up a picture of herself, A picture of her as a human with her mother and brother, and put it in her pocket, she knew she likely would never come back here. She dawned her chain mail, grabbed her axe, her bow, and fully equipping herself. She asked Toblerone if he would come and plead with her father, to which he swiftly accepted. He offered her a potion, but she refused, to scared to consume any more. She noticed he was quite sullen at this, and pleaded with her. She refused.

Facing The Truth

She walked out of her hideout, Toblerone with her, and headed off to the courtroom of her father, she knew he’d be there as he loved sitting on his ‘throne’. She entered the estate, the guards horrified at her, shirking back, but letting her through. She dismissed them, moving on. She could hear her brother mumbling to them as she walked past, there was only one thing on her mind, a hyper-focus on fixing what had broken. She could hear the butlers, the guards, everyone muttering around her, in a worried tone. She knew they were talking about her transformation, and growled at a couple of them as she passed. She finally made it to the court room, and opened the two heavy doors. Pushing them open she saw her father sitting on his throne, staring off into the void. As they opened he noticed and locked eyes with her, and then quickly Toblerone which was on her side. A frown crossed his face. “Father, I have come asking for forgiveness, one of my brothers pulled a prank on me, and brought out the worst in me.” He looked up, slowly, looking her over. A slight twinge to his face as he passed over his face. “Do not blame your brother for your failures to control your orkish nature. You should have left the gala, if you were going to take a potion. You should not have done it in the presence of others, what were you thinking?”. Nell spoke with a broken voice “I-I, didn’t expect this to happen, father, I would never ruin the name of the family, I-I would never tarnish it.” Her gaze fell towards the floor in shame.

Alec looked at her and said “It doesn’t matter, you should have been more careful, do you know the amount of damage this has caused? You’ll have to lie super low, no more going out to the village, no more travel. You’ll have to disappear.” Nelle look mortified at this, “But father, please, It was simply an accident it can surely be smoothed over” She begged him for mercy. “No, it can’t be overlooked, people saw you transform into an ork, and you know how much Dwarves hate orks. There will be questions, and they will look over you and know you aren’t a human. They will connect the dots, your supreme height gives this away.” Toblerone pipes up with an uneasy voice “Father, brother Drale did this, you should punish him, not Nelle. It’s unfair, and unjust.” Instantly Alec shifts his head to Toblerone staring at him with beaming eyes nearly shouting at him “You will not talk of your brother in this manner, do you hear me? Kin is vital, kin do not betray eachother, do not betray your brother like how your sister has betrayed her family.”

Nelle looks up again and angrily replies, “Betrayed my family? The only one here whose betrayed their family is you, you’ve shunned me at every turn. You’ve scolded me, and punished me for merely being a half-ork. Father it is not I who have wronged, it is you. I have lived amongst these woods for ages, in fear of being ousted, have followed every word you have told me, and have tried my best.” Alec resumes shouting “Then your best isn’t good enough, you let your orkish features show, you must do better if you want to be part of this family”. Nelle looked crest-fallen, “Alright father, I’ll prove I am worthy of our last name. I will venture off, on a grand adventure, to prove that I can be better than any human here, better than even you”. He looks annoyed by her words “Fine, do as you must, but not under the name of this house, you are barred from using our name”.

Nelle's Choice

Nelle almost doesn’t know how to respond to this but slowly gains the courage to shout “Alright then, I AM NELLE KOVA, and I will show that I deserve our last name more than you ever could, you greedy dwarf. Sit there amongst your golden throne of lies, and profit, and I shall make real impacts to this world.” She promptly storms off, dashing her way out of the estate. Toblerone chases after her calling her name, pleading with her to stop. But she doesn’t and continues on and on. “SISTER, PLEASE, come back, he didn’t mean it, he’s just stressed, don’t leave me.” Nelle winced at this, but continued on, bursting open the next set of doors.

Toblerone reached out a hand, and cast a fire spell. Fueled with deep emotion, he cast a massive ball of fire spreading flame across the entire front entrance of the estate. It absolutely blocked Nelle’s path.“Sister think about it, you don’t know what will happen out there you’re overreacting, just please see reason in fathers harsh words.” But Nelle continued on, knowing her brother could bend flames around her. As she neared the flames, they began to lick her heels. But would quickly begin to bend around her. She continued to run through them. “See, I told you you could do it brother, you’ve always had it in you. You know I will always love you no matter where I am, but I must prove myself to our father, and there’s no way I can do that here, he won’t let me. I hope one day, we may meet again, and truly fight eachother. I await your great wizardy, Toblerone Honorfall, my dear brother.” Toblerone teared up, and finally stopped pursuing her. Nelle burst through the last set of doors, running as fast as she can off into the great unknown.

And so Nelle Kova set off, A red headed half ork of 8 feet in height. It was her last attempt to prove herself, and live a good life. All so she could gain the approval of her father. She would wander around, in hopes of finding a purpose. Along her treks she would help adventurers whenever she could. She found it far harder to do this as a half orc, most old people would dislike her, and most nobles turned their noses up to her. But she noted it was far easier to get combat jobs, especially amongst the lower classes. She eventually gained enough reputation with local nobles to act as a sort of bounty hunter for hire. This would net her plenty of jobs, especially after she met Vance.